About Us

We first became involved in Campus Crusade for Christ while in college

After we graduated from Clemson University (Carra: 1998, Pete: 2000), we stayed involved in Cru by volunteering at Greenville Technical College in upstate SC. Since we were both working fulltime, we essentially had a "tent maker ministry" (how Paul supported his missions for some of his early ministry).  One of the most powerful movements of God we saw working at Greenville Tech, was the dramatic transformation of a young woman named Brandi. Ask us about this, it just needs to be told in person.

Though I (Carra) enjoyed nine years working at the Greenville County Main Library, the opportunity to give 100% of my time to reaching young people was a huge pull.

Pete spent two years at Milliken while going to Clemson, then three more years at General Electric as a mechanical engineer.  Though it was hard to walk away from a successful career (he actually has a patent), we were aligned in our desire to see what God would do if we were all in.

In 2003, we decided to flip our world. Instead of giving ministry what we could fit in, we decided to go fulltime with Campus Crusade for Christ.  This allows us to spend the best part of our days (and often nights) giving college students an opportunity to say "yes" to Jesus Christ.

More about our family life and kids here.

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