Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Disturbing Trend

Last summer, we were made aware of some disturbing developments at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.  We have several friends who are on staff with Cru there.  They had been working with the legal counsel of Cru and asked all of us to pray that they would be allowed to remain on campus.  There is another university in our MidSouth region (I've been asked not to share which one) right here in NC that is also considering changin university policies as Vanderbult has.

A very articulate senior has laid out the issues well, I invite you to read about this situation.  We are already experiencing limitations to our Cru movements by several campuses here in Greensboro, Winston-Salem and High Point.  Not as extreme as what is happening at Vanderbilt, but disturbing trends none the less. Some of our campuses will no longer allow us to approach a student and initiate a conversation unless he or she has already indicated some interest by attending a meeting or filling out a contact card.  This limits the evangelism to students who are already interested in Cru.

Please pray.  We are truly in a battle for the hearts and minds of young people.  The enemy wants to further tie our hands, but we know that Christ will be proclaimed!  Pray for us to have favor with the administration of all 20+ campuses in the Triad.  Pray for Vanderbilt to continue to allow christian ministries (like Cru) to exist on campus with integrity of their leadership.

Love, Pete and Carra