Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby Boy has Arrived!

We hope you enjoyed a very merry Christmas.  We were anticipating the arrival of our child sometime about a week before Christmas.  We had a lovely Christmas as a family of four since our latest arrival decided to be fashionably late.

At 9:31 a.m. December 28, we welcomed Zadok Anthony Carl into the world.  It was a tough birth, but he was a healthy baby boy weighing 8 lbs, 4 ounces and was 21 inches long.  If you want the details of the birth, Carra has shared the birth story on her blog.

We have dreamed of naming our son (should we have one) Zadok for many years.  He was a courageous priest and servant of King David.  He is among the most faithful of the priests and his name means righteous and just.  We pray that Zadok will make wise, courageous choices even in the face of difficulty - that he will walk righteously and honorably depending on God for his strength.

Anthony is a family name from Pete's mom's side. Anthony was Pete's great-grandfather. He took his family to live in Indonesia from Holland to work as an engineer. His 18 children lived exotic lives with pet orangutans who stayed in the house.  He must have been bold and adventurous. No matter where or to what God calls our son, we pray he will do so boldly, for the glory of God.

Carl is a family name from Carra's mom's side.  Carl had a hard, painful childhood, was illiterate but ran a successful milk and egg business, worked in a mill and farmed.  He donated the land for Midway Baptist Church that Carra's grandfather founded.  His work ethic was phenomenal and his gentleness and love for his wife and children is something we desire to see in our son.