Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Olympic Sized Prayer

I love being a part of Campus Crusade for Christ!  One reason is the ability and the drive that Cru has to reach all people - going to remote areas of the world but also to some of the most crowded.  What an opportunity God has opened up for Athletes in Action (the sports ministry component of Cru) to be a part of the Olympics! As chaplains for the Olympics, CCC/AIA staff have a wonderful opportunity to develop relationships with athletes from all over the world.

While the International Olympic Committee forbids proselytizing, Carl (Campus Crusade for Christ Athletes in Action staff member) says there are plenty of opportunities to have spiritual conversations. Sometimes the hard realities of the Olympic competition lead athletes to seek out
answers with chaplains.“We’re mainly in a service position, but we can answer any questions they ask.”  Pray for divine appointments with non-believing athletes from around the globe.

Much prayer, preparation, planning and resources go into making Athletes in Action’s outreach efforts at the Olympic Games a smooth success, and the 2012 project in London will require no less. Regardless of what shape it takes, the work of the official chaplains as well as the 160-plus additional staff who will be working in London all boils down to one goal: spreading the gospel of Jesus
Christ to the world.

Want to be a part of this?  Join in with prayer!
3000 people are needed to pray for 3 to 4 athletes who will be competing this summer.  Wouldn't be awesome to be a part of a team of people who will cover every single Olympian in prayer?  Here's where you can learn more (http://olympics.athletesinaction.org/prayer-strategy/)

For His glory,
Pete and Carra

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