Over Spring break, Pete hopped on a bus with 50 of our Triad students from High Point University, UNC Greensboro and Wake Forest to join other Midsouth “CRU” students to reach the 1,000,000 college students in New York City.
In NYC, Pete led a team of five students to gain new ground in Harlem at the City College of NY (one of the most diverse colleges in America and the Alma mater of eight Nobel Prize winners). At CCNY, Pete had the privilege of watching his team engage in spiritual conversations with the myriad of busy and intensely driven students.
On the last day at City College, Pete and David (UNCG student), had an hour long discussion with a Jehovah’s Witness and a Muslim, simultaneously. Both were immigrants from Africa and long time friends. The Holy Spirit was certainly at work. Despite multiple topics, view points and plenty of rabbit trails, both young men were challenged to consider the truth of Christ. Pete challenged one of them to critically study the origins of his faith in contrast to Christianity, while David explained the Gospel to the other.
The conversations were overwhelming at times, but they really taught the students to depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance and for the results! The NYC trip was an awesome time of watching and challenging our students to engage with others who don’t have the same “Bible Belt” background.
At least 13 students accepted Christ as their Savior that week and many hundreds more heard clear presentations of the Gospel – some for the very first time! It’s hard to say which was more exciting to see… the NY city students coming to Christ, or the transformation that took place in so many of our Triad students as they caught on to the fact that the Lord can use them so mightily to transform the nations!
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