Monday, June 4, 2018

May/June 2018 Update

May/June 2018: Pete &Carra's Upstate Cru Update

Post-it™ Note Memorial

Ever had one of those days you just need some encouragement? Sometimes we focus so intently on the next thing (or what’s right in front of us) that we neglect to step back and focus on what God has done and is doing.  Since our move to Spartanburg last summer, we have had significant challenges.  Many of them from disappointments and longings of our children.  Some from the seemingly endless water vs house issues and renovations.  And then others from the tension of major life transitions while being faithful to our calling and commitments.

And so,
 we need reminders that God is Good and that He is in control….

I think that is why God called the Israelites to stand up stones as a memorial when they crossed into the promised land (Joshua 4).  As a part of the last days of planning for the fall semester, our team leaders led us in a time of encouragement and memorial.  
Instead of stones, we used post-it™ notes.  Each post-it™ note seen above records something wonderful that God did during the semester… things like the names of students who accepted Christnew staff joining our team,new movements that started, and evangelistic events that were successful.

What a beautiful time of worship and reflection on the power of God it was!  These square neon testimonies are a testament to the prayers and generosity that you have sown and that the Lord has blessed!  Thank you for all the ways you have been an encouragement to us and these students!  

We are grateful to God for your part in this!
Summer Prayer Requests:
  • For God to bless, protect and establish the work of the 15 Upstate students on Cru Summer Missions in places like Southeast Asia, Sweden, Israel, Alaska and Gatlinburg.
  • For us and our students to grow closer to God and pursue His Kingdom so that when we come back on campus in the fall we will be ready to engage the campus community with the Gospel!