Monday, April 2, 2018

April Prayer Update: "All in for August"

April 2018 Upstate Cru Update 

 "All in for August" – students discussing whether they are more like a ministry or a movement

Woah, students actually show up at 9am on a Saturday???  As I wiped sleepiness from my own eyes while checking students in, I was pleasantly surprised at the turn-out.  Over 20 students showed up for Upstate Cru’s annual “All in for August” event designed to gear students up to hit the ground running during the first six weeks of fall semester.  It was an encouraging time as we engaged students’ hearts and minds with questions like
Why me?”, “Why reach freshmen?”,
Why are the first six weeks so important?”,
How do we reach our campus?” and
 “What can we trust God to do?

In the afternoon, we broke up into our respective campus teams to work out the details of who, what, when and where… often revisiting the “why” to make sure we stayed focused.  After spending the afternoon with the Greenville Tech team, I can’t wait to see how the Lord will use and shape these tentative plans to engage their campus with the Gospel!

Every time I’m with students that catch the vision of seeking the Kingdom first (Matt 6:33) and making disciples who make disciples (Matt 28:18), I get excited about what is yet to come!   We praise God for you, our ministry partners/friends, who equip us and mobilize these students to make an eternal impact!
With grateful hearts,
  • Praise28 Upstate students are preparing for a Cru Summer Mission:
      16 stateside (e.g. Gatlinburg, Juneau & Orlando) and
      12 international (e.g. South Africa, South East Asia & Sweden)!

  • Pray for freshmen at Spartanburg Methodist College to get involved so we can effectively reach incoming freshmen in the fall.  Most current Cru students at this junior college are graduating sophomores.
  • Praise: Thanks to the generosity of Lanier Roofing and a shrewd and generous ministry partner, we were able to get our roof replaced for half the cost and it was completed in one day!  Thank you for praying!!!