Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Trusting Big at UNCG - Pray for 1st Week of Classes

NC A&T University – Impact Movement

The Impact movement at NC A&T is being relaunched.  The campus guidelines are set so groups cannot form until a few weeks into the semester. Please pray that the Lord would connect us to believing studentswho will step up and lead.

Pray for Alton who is associate Cru staff and pastor who is leading this relaunch.

Wake Forest University – Faculty Commons

Please pray for Peteas he will spend part of his time seeking to meet and encourage believing faculty at Wake Forest University.

This is a totally new approach to this campus and we really value your prayers!  If you know any believing faculty in the Triad that Pete can connect with, please let us know!
Pete and Carra Selent

August 2016
Trusting Big at UNC Greensboro
Though the heat remains, summer is over!  We just returned from a three-day training for our Bible study and servant team leaders (BSaLT – Bible Study and Leader Training) inMontreat, NC.  The eight bedroom VRBO rental house was filled with stories of summer exploits and fails, laughter, shuffles of calendars, Bibles and journals, and worshipful voices singing praise and adoration.  Their schedules (and ours) are now filled with outreaches, prayer walks and Bible studies.

We’re trusting God for big things this year…. Can you join us?  Here are some significant ways we would love to be covered in prayer:

Monday, Aug 22 -- Prayer walk on UNCG campus after dinner.  If you are in the area, we would love to have you join us on campus.  Please pray specifically for the Bible studies to grow in the dorms on campus.

Tuesday, Aug 23 – Fall Kickoff: UNCG’s massive organizational fair (as shown in picture). Last year we met over 300 new students and several are this year’s new leaders!

Thursday, Aug 25 – Freshmen Cru (new strategy):
We’re trusting that God will grow four or five freshmen Bible studies out of this weekly gathering!  Pray that over 100 freshmen will join and that God would use these students to transform the campus!
Thank you for prayers and partnership in the Gospel!  We are excited to see what God does this semester!  We praise God for you!

From the Mecca of the Airbrushed T-shirt

Praises and Prayer Requests…

> Praises for the UNCG students and alumni on mission with us in the Smoky Mountains.  L à R: Moriah (alumni on staff in Charlotte), Harrison, Pete, Micah (3), Carra, Zade (5), Jennifer, Stephanie, Faith (9) and Grace (12).

> Praises for the ability to invest in their lives!  Though exhausting, living in the same building as the other ~60 people on this mission gave us access no normal semester allows (often late into the night!).

> Pray for the students as they apply the ministry skills they developed over the summer – back to campus!

> Pray for a full staff team for the Triad.  God continues to work mightily here and we need more laborers!  
Pete and Carra Selent
with Grace, Faith, Zade & Micah

                                                        July 2016
From the Mecca of the Airbrushed T-shirt
The smell of fudge, moonshine, kettlecorn.  Sidewalks
filled with tourists, sleepy babies with ice cream mustaches.
A sea of faces moving from eating to entertainment and
around again. The smell of fudge, moonshine, kettlecorn.  Sidewalks filled with tourists, sleepy babies with ice cream mustaches. A sea of faces moving from eating to
entertainment and around again.  What about the faces
behind the counters?  Does anyone notice the server’s accent?

This overflowing mountain town has captured our hearts!  Gatlinburg, TN would not be able to handle the influx of
tourists without the J1’s.  The J1 visa allows students
 from all over the world to come serve food, run amuse-
ment rides, clean hotel rooms and offer samples of fudge
to the American (mostly) tourists.  Over 1000 international students come work in Gatlinburg every summer.  Here
they live in cheap hotel rooms with no kitchens, work two
jobs and rarely experience much culturally “American”
besides what they see and hear on the streets.

Anastasia, one of the 100+
J1 students we met, lives near
St. Petersburg, Russia and
loves American movies.  She knows a ton about the Bible
but the idea of a relationship
with God who loves her is a foreign concept.  In the background of this photo
with Anastasia, Cru students
are interacting with international friends from Jamaica, Thailand, China, Moldova, Ukraine, and more. 

On this outreach night Harrison (from UNC Greensboro) organized a series of short films to spark spiritual
conversations. So far, Anastasia is intrigued but not
certain about pursuing a relationship with Christ.
Please pray that Anastasia from Russia, Hermonie from
China and many others would choose life in Christ before
 they return to their home countries.

For the Nations,
Pete & Carra Signature
Smokey Mountain Summer Mission 2016
(Pete and Carra back row left, kids front row)