The smell of fudge, moonshine, kettlecorn. Sidewalks
filled with tourists, sleepy babies with ice cream mustaches.
A sea of faces moving from eating to entertainment and
around again. The smell of fudge, moonshine, kettlecorn. Sidewalks filled with tourists, sleepy babies with ice cream mustaches. A sea of faces moving from eating to
entertainment and around again. What about the faces
behind the counters? Does anyone notice the server’s accent?
This overflowing mountain town has captured our hearts! Gatlinburg, TN would not be able to handle the influx of
tourists without the J1’s. The J1 visa allows students
from all over the world to come serve food, run amuse-
ment rides, clean hotel rooms and offer samples of fudge
to the American (mostly) tourists. Over 1000 international students come work in Gatlinburg every summer. Here
they live in cheap hotel rooms with no kitchens, work two
jobs and rarely experience much culturally “American”
besides what they see and hear on the streets.
Anastasia, one of the 100+
J1 students we met, lives near
St. Petersburg, Russia and
loves American movies. She knows a ton about the Bible
but the idea of a relationship
with God who loves her is a foreign concept. In the background of this photo
with Anastasia, Cru students
are interacting with international friends from Jamaica, Thailand, China, Moldova, Ukraine, and more.
On this outreach night Harrison (from UNC Greensboro) organized a series of short films to spark spiritual
conversations. So far, Anastasia is intrigued but not
certain about pursuing a relationship with Christ. |