In the last few weeks we have hosted multiple staff training meetings, a cookout, two student leader dinners and multiple "over for dinners" and random visits. This night there were about 35 students we were challenging to step up to leading servant teams and Bible studies for the fall semester. Our living room seems unusually empty - even for a house with four kids and lots of friends to visit!
Jared came over a bit early with the hope of doing a load of laundry (we granted that request LOL!). While waiting for the rest of the students to arrive for dinner, Faith offered to teach him how to make rainbow loom bracelets without the loom. He was a quick study.
On a different and also exciting note.....
Pete is headed to East Asia next week. He's going to help give initial lift (10 days) to a five week summer mission trip. We'll be able to share more when he comes back. But due to the sensitive nature of the location, we are doing all we can to eliminate our public online presence.
Feel free to email us, but our facebook accounts are / will be disabled for a few weeks, our Cru giving account will look very blank (that has already happened) and this very blog may disappear or just have a very striped down appearance. We appreciate your prayers for Pete's travel safety and my stay home safety and juggling the kiddos, LOL!
Thank you!! We look forward to sharing more soon!
Love, Carra