Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sticker Shock with Charities!

Recently, as I [Pete] was checking a myriad of tweets (I'm a very sporadic Twitter user), I came across a link to "The 50 Largest US charities ranked by total income" which included Campus Crusade for Christ. To say the least, I was intrigued how we'd stack up!

According to this report (download the PDF here), Campus Crusade ranks #30th in terms of total income but more significantly we are the ONLY charity where compensation of highest paid official is less than $100,000! In fact, the next lowest was close to twice Campus Crusade's highest paid staff member -- hint: that's not us :-) !!

Ok, so comparison can be a bad thing, as it can lead to either jealousy or self-righteousness, but I believe there is a place for a report like this as both the workers and the donors have a right to know how their gifts are used... it's part of stewardship!

We are blessed to work for a ministry where financial accountability and stewardship is a core value! Please know that your generosity is going directly to fund this work. We are humbled to serve like this and we praise God for you in Christ Jesus.

Thank you so much for your faithful and generous support of our ministry and family!

With love,
Pete and Carra

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reverse Trick-or-Treat (Growing a Bible Study)

This is Amber and Caroline.  They (along with Nicole - not pictured) lead a Bible study at UNC Greensboro.  I know, they are wearing Clemson and Carolina t-shirts, but they really go to UNCG :-)

Since the beginning of the semester, they have been leading a freshman girls Bible study in one of the parlors of a freshman dorm.  Last month (sorry so late a post) they decided that the whole Bible study (11 girls) would go around the dorm on Halloween and bring candy to anyone who was in their rooms.  They met lots of new girls and invited them to the Bible study.

The next week two girls they met during the "reverse trick-or-treat" outreach came to the Bible study.  In addition to that, another girl randomly passed the parlor and said, "This is a huge study group."  Amber and Caroline said, "actually this is a Bible study, want to join us?"  And she did.  And all three girls are still coming regularly.

What makes this extra neat is the timing in the semester.  Most Bible studies are established by September and very few new people begin coming after that.  As the semester gets busier and students are becoming more involved in their established groups - seeing that kind of increase is really, really rare.  But God is definitely at work on this campus!  Thanks for praying!

On the campus, for the campus,

Pete and Carra