So last week I was beginning our weekly mentoring time with Mary. Within minutes, she excitedly said, "I had a great conversation with an atheist today!" I had to hear the details. She and a random guy happened to be walking the same way back from campus last week. From a question of "so what are you listening to on your ipod?" to "so are you religious?" Mary shared that though he may see her as "religious," she doesn't define herself that way. She described her walk with Christ as a relationship - not a religion. I was really pleased with how she handled the conversation. Here are a couple of quotes:
Mary asked, "So do you believe in absolute truth?"
He replied, "It depends."
Later on a bit, she asked, "Do you think there is such a thing as right and wrong?"
He replied, "Sometimes."
She hadn't seen this guy before so there's not a good way to plan future conversations. However he met a Christian young lady who knew her faith and how to articulate it. And.... you never know their paths might meet going across campus again.
On the campus, for the campus,