Most of my ministry is "behind the scenes." I coordinate a number of aspects of Fall Retreat, draft our prayer letters and make food for student meetings (we make a lot of brownies in this house LOL).
But one of my favorite aspects of ministry is mentoring two of the student leaders at UNCG. These awesome young women come over Monday nights. We spend time together on content (like authority of the Bible, the attributes of God, etc.) then they take turns having some one-on-one time to talk about specific issues (boundaries with guys, dealing with stress or conflict and family challenges).
They come over after the girls go to bed so there's no stress of coordinating schedules with Pete and no "mommy I need..." interruptions. Pete's usually down in the office by the time they head back to campus. I often (almost always) plop down on the chair beside him and say, "I can't believe I get to do this as my job!"